EC Members Take Medals at BVF Championships
Epée Club members took the gold medals at the British Veterans Fencing Epée Championshiops held at the Manchester Fencing Centre on Saturday.
In the men’s event a closely fought final match between club members Greg Allen and Neal Mallett saw Greg come out as victor with Neal taking the silver medal. Greg and Neal also took their respective Cat 1 and Cat 3 gold medals.
In the women’s event Georgina Usher came out on top winning gold medals for Cat 1 and overall winner.
Many more of our club members were involved in the competition in one form or other.
Competing in the women’s event: Sue Brooks (21).
Competing in the men’s event: Kola Ayanwale (22); Rob Brooks (44); Stephen Domek (18); Chris Howser (5); Jonathan Stanbury (57); Neal Thomas (32).
Refereeing: Malcolm Alton and Peter Huggins.
Supporting: David Sweeney.