On behalf of the members of the Epee Club, the Committee, and Trustees of the Epee Club Charitable Fund (ECCF) we offer our congratulations to our Junior Men’s Epee team for winning the Gold Medal in the Junior Mens Epee team event at the European Championships in Antalya on Monday 3rd March. The team, back row (L to R): Alec Brooke, Tristan Lumineau, Sameer Sunder-Rajan and Cador Beautyman were ably supported by a team of coaches. Front row (L to R): Keith Cook, along with Oanu Puiu and EC member Ian Litchfield in their roles as GBR Weapon’s Group Epée Coaches.

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Rob Brooks
EC Members Win Medals in Dubai

EC members competed in the Veterans World Championships in Dubai last week. Leading the way was British Fencing CEO Georgina Usher taking gold in the 50+ category followed by a superb result from our men’s épée team to win the bronze medal behind Germany and France respectively.

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Rob Brooks
Marmalade 2024

After some very close fights, many going to time, Neal Mallett emerged as overall victor with four victories. Three fencers, Nigel Fancourt, Kola Ayanwale and Rob Gore were equal on 3 victories.

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Rob Brooks
Super Sunday (Lavradio Cup)

On Sunday 28th, we had a superb turn out of members and guests at Hurlingham for the 2024 Lavradio Cup. 7 members and 2 guests fenced in the heat and sunshine of a glorious summers day ably supported by members, family, and friends.

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Rob Brooks
Another sunny and enjoyable afternoon's fencing at Hurlingham.

Sunday 2nd June turned into one of those beautiful summer days, the flowers were in bloom, the birds were singing, the sound of willow on leather from the nearby cricket pitch was interspersed with the ring of steel on steel and a polite A-La from the band of club members who made the journey to Hurlingham for this year’s Lefroy Cup.

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Rob Brooks