Rev. John Percy "J P" or "Jack" Blake 1874 - 1950

News of the death of J. P. Blake at the end of December was received with great regret by his many friends in the fencing world.

A devotee of the épée, he won the championship at that weapon in 1911 and represented Great Britain at the Olympic Games of 1908, 1912 and 1920, as well as at numerous other international events.

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J P served on the A.F.A. Committee from 1909 until about 1923, and was a prominent member of the Epée Club, in the affairs of which he took a great interest throughout his life. He was also a vice-president of the Polytechnic and presided at the general meeting of that club shortly before his death. 

Blake was a student of the history of fencing, and his historical notes and his speeches, especially at Epée Club dinners, will be remembered as well as his dry humour. He was a great figure in London municipal politics for many years becoming chairman of the London County Council during the Second World War. His wide interests included a considerable knowledge of art, especially of antique furniture, on which he published a popular book.


Rob Brooks